Friday 9 June 2017

Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment Center in Kochi


Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words ayus and veda. Ayus means life and Veda means knowledge or science. The term ayurveda thus means the knowledge of life or the science of life.

Ayurveda - The Indian system of medicine is the first & best solution for treating the chronic and dreadful diseases in the world.

The Immortal & eternal science of life Ayurveda was developed by God when diseases began to trouble human beings causing hinderance to acquisition of DHARMA (religious merit), ARTHA(wealth) , KAAMA (desires) & MOKSHA (salvation). Disease is the product of effect of imbalance or abnormalcy of dosas.

Ayurveda is the science that teaches the correct maintenance of life. By the unique potencies & the proper combination of herbs ,food & Yoga Ayurveda creates wonders on human diseases .

Vatta,pitta,kapha are the three doshas present in every human body which sustain , support,maintain & destroy the body.The quantity,quality and functions of these doshas vary in each individual.

There are two Manasika doshas - rajas & thamas & a manasika guna satwa.

Human body has seven dhadhus

     Rasa - Plasma
Raktha - Blood
  Mamsa - Muscle
Meda - Fat
     Asti - Bone
         Majja - Bone Marrow
                         Sukra - Reproductory Elements

Three Malas Of Ayurveda:

Muthra - urine
Purisha - feces
Sweda - sweat
Each of these doshas , dhadhu & mala has its own quantity(praman ) ,quality(guna) function (karma) which in its normaly provides good health.

Benefits of Ayurveda

Protecting and maintaining the health
Treating the diseases

Three types of treatement

  Daivavyapasrya: depending on God & holy power
Yuktivyapasrya: medicines and physician based
                           Satwarajaya : boosting the psche of the patient & psychological treatement

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